Adam Dunn: Cultivating collaboration and nurturing the confidence to contribute

First National Financial LP Mar 4, 2025   mins

Adam Dunn feels his success isn’t just about him, but more about the people he hired, trained, encouraged and supported to go after their career dreams within the company.

Take us back to the beginning of your career at First National.
AD: I started in June 2015. It was a tumultuous time, with a lot of change both personally and professionally. I had been working in operations and logistics at Target and stayed until some of the last stores closed. My wife wanted to go back to school. So, we decided to move from the Guelph area to Toronto. We were both looking for jobs, and my stepdad referred me to First National. I applied, not knowing anything about mortgages. But I had strong interest in finance and banking. I got the job in customer service and began my First National journey.

What was your first year like?
AD: Even though I started in a contract role, I came in with the mentality that I was going to work hard, learn as much as possible, get to know as much as I could about First National and familiarize myself with other departments. I didn’t know if I was going to stay on my current team, but I knew I wanted to be ready for any opportunity or position that may come up. It was important to me to build a lasting career at First National. I promised myself I would continue to look at what was ahead for me and be honest about whether what I was doing was a good fit.  

What was your “I’m in” moment?
AD: When I was younger, I used to believe that an “I’m in” moment was a certain position, promotion or recognition. All those things have happened in my career at First National, but none of them were my “I’m in” moment. For me, it happened organically over time. I grew and developed with so many people and built enduring relationships. So, my “I’m in” was a collection of many moments with colleagues and other people I work with. First National has become home to me. It’s where I feel I belong. I’m part of this culture and community and know I’ve made the right choices. 

Describe some milestones in your career.
AD: Personally, becoming a Manager and then Director were big milestones. It was wonderful to contribute, be recognized and advance as a result of my efforts. But I feel like Covid was big milestone for me and the organization. I was managing the customer service team at that time. We were fielding hundreds of thousands of requests and questions and working very closely with multiple servicing teams. That time helped me understand what I was capable of as a person and as a leader. I had to learn a lot on the fly and work with people across the organization to solve problems. I gained the confidence and self-belief that helped me with what I’ve accomplished since. 

What stamp have you put on the business?
AD: We work in such a collaborative environment, so everything we achieve is a group effort. Everyone that walks through the door contributes to the company’s success because we all have a part to play. It’s not just about me and what I’ve accomplished. When I look through the organization, I see so many people that I’ve hired and trained over the years contributing in so many different ways. I feel honoured to have been part of their journeys, encouraging, supporting and motivating them to pursue their dreams within the company. 

What are you most proud of in your career?
AD: I’m most proud of the relationships I’ve made. I’ve been fortunate to work with so many great people because I’ve been involved in a number of different projects that have touched different parts of the organization. Being part of this diverse group of people means a lot. We’ve come together to solve problems and find solutions that have moved First National forward and made it a great place to work. We’ve constantly pushed ourselves to find ways to get better. 

Any favourite memories?
AD: I have a collection of memories and feelings when I look back on 10 years. It’s not just the hard work. It’s also the social events and volunteering. It’s a tapestry of wonderful memories I have with my colleagues and the personal connections we’ve built.

Which one of First National’s values resonates with you most and why?
AD: We aim for better. I’m a big believer that you can always improve on something and get better every day. I always want to leave things better than how I found them. At First National, we work collectively for the same thing. There is no shortage of ideas on how we can be better for customers, brokers and team members. Aiming for better exists everywhere you look here. It’s great to be part of that kind of culture. 

Why are our events such as Black History Month, International Women’s Day and Pride so important and such meaningful ways to celebrate diversity?
AD: I think it’s really important that everyone gets to be who they are and feel comfortable with who they are in a safe, inclusive space. Our employee resource groups, Spaces and Traces, are a great opportunity to meet people from across the company, hear their stories and understand the challenges they may have faced in their careers. No two people’s journeys are the same. And we can join in each other’s journeys and be supportive. I think amplifying people’s voices and facilitating that education is really inspiring. 

What advice would you share with people growing their careers at First National?
AD: Never underestimate where hard work will get you. But remain committed to learning. Hybrid work can make it challenging to have those organic learning opportunities. Find a way to break that virtual barrier. Pick up the phone and ask questions. People want to share their knowledge and what they do. Knowledge combined with hard work is a recipe for success. 

Any final thoughts?
AD: We’re only scratching the surface of what we can be. We’ve grown so much in 35 years and have accomplished a lot. But we’re also just starting. It goes back to our values. We want to continue to get better and improve as a company. There are exciting things on the horizon that will make First National an even better place to work. 

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Ongoing growth. Confident ambition. Collaborative excellence. Continuous learning. Find your place, purpose and people while building a fulfilling career at First National.